Monday, June 29, 2009

Watch Out for the Skunk

Madison's latest ballet was Hansel & Gretel. She worked very hard to learn her parts and as the veteran among her peers, was the de facto leader of her group. In Act I, as Hansel and Gretel are picking berries in the forest, they are ambushed by some woodland animals: a squirrel, a fawn, a bunny, a frog, a skunk and a porcupine. Madison is the skunk.

Act II finds Hansel and Gretel at the Witch's gingerbread house. Madison and her girls are gumdrop candies from the cottage. They do a fairly lengthy dance before the Witch decides she's had enough of their antics. Madison is the red gumdrop.

These videos were taken with our little Canon pocket camera, so they're a bit shaky.

We also finally got our DVD of the Enchanted Toy Shop, albeit six months after the fact, and I'll try to post a couple of clips of Madison from that.

1 comment:

SMDStudio said...

Adorable! Thank you so much for posting about your sweet family. Anna enjoyed getting to watch Madison dance.