Saturday, December 6, 2008

Elementary School Foresees Great Advances in Mobile Computing

We were asked by Madison's school to take a survey about how to improve the effectiveness of instruction. It ended up being thinly-veiled attempt to justify spending a lot of money. 
  • Should the school have SmartBoards in every classroom?
  • Should the school provide supplemental lesson material and instruction for school-funded iPods?
It's not important how we voted. The sole purpose of this entry is to laugh at the third high-tech learning proposal: Laptops on carts.
  • Should the school acquire a set of laptop computers and put them on carts to allow them to be easily transported from classroom to classroom?
"Did you just say, 'Laptops on carts'?" I asked Sara.

"That's what it says."

"Are laptops not already sufficiently portable, that they need to be placed on carts?" I questioned, rhetorically.

"Apparently not, Honey. Here! You finish the survey."

1 comment:

Ju said...

lol, that is pretty hilarious.